Garbage Burning Residents in Pekanbaru Get Ready to be Fined

LAMANRIAU.COM, PEKANBARU – The Department of Environment and Forestry (DLHK) Pekanbaru City urges residents to obey regulations related to the ban on burning rubbish. Therefore, the activity of burning trash is very dangerous especially during the dry season.

The Secretary of the City of Pekanbaru DLHK, Azhar said, if there were residents who were found burning rubbish, they could be subject to fines.

He explained that sanctions such as garbage burners are contained in Mayor Regulation (Perwako) Number 134 of 2018 concerning How to Impose Administrative Sanctions against Violations of Regional Regulation (Perda) Number 8 of 2014.

According to him, in the Perda the sanctions for garbage burners are Rp2.5 million, and through trials. However, there are several categories of violations based on the type of waste, namely household waste from Rp250,000, Rp500,000 to Rp750,000. While garbage other than households is a minimum of Rp. 500,000.

“So there is a level, the garbage is under 1/2 cubic IDR 500 thousand. Above 1/2 cubic to 2 cubic IDR 1 million. And there are more than IDR 1.5 million,” he said, Saturday (2/22/2020).

Azhar acknowledged that the regulation regarding the prohibition on burning garbage is not yet known by most people of Pekanbaru City.

“Therefore, we still give warnings and appeals not to burn rubbish. There are still many people found burning rubbish,” he said. (rmn)

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