Thousands of Illegal Logging Timber in Riau Secured


LAMANRIAU.COM, PEKANBARU – The joint team of Law Enforcement of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) and the Riau Regional Police dismantled the illegal logging business in Teratak Buluh Village, Siak Hulu District, Kampar.

Read: Bengkalis Police Arrests Three Illegal Loggers

During the operation, as many as 404 logs were secured, 2,559 pieces of processed wood from illegal wood collectors in Teratak Buluh Village, Kampar District and 260 logs in the Subayang River and the Gema Village Timber Pier, Kampar Regency, Riau Province.

“We must fight this crime together, the cooperation we do is a form of our commitment. This is a huge loss for Indonesia, the country has lost its revenue from illegal timber,” said Director General of Law Enforcement, Rasio Ridho Sani in a statement. press in Pekanbaru, Thursday, November 26, 2020.

The operation, which was held from 18-22 November, has mobilized 456 personnel.

He said the illegal logging activity came from the Rimbang Baling Wildlife Reserve (SM). Then these woods are taken outside the forest by flowing into the river.

Meanwhile, Riau Police Chief Inspector General Pol Agung Setya Imam Effendi said the success of this operation was due to the synergy of all parties to protect nature in Bumi Lancang Kuning.

“Illegal sawmill activities in Teratak Buluh Village have threatened forest destruction, especially Rimbang Baling Wildlife Reserve, for that we have to provide understanding to the community both at the sawmill location and the loggers and wood transporters that in carrying out their business they must comply with applicable laws and regulations,” said the Head Riau Regional Police. (rri)

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